Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

Wow I went 5 days without writing anything I am so sorry I have nurtured sick kids, sick husband and myself for the last 2 weeks so I guess it just all came to ahead before we knew it.  With that being said the Newsboys and Newsong concert was amazing.  Jaclyn and Aaron had never been to a concert before so it was nice to see them smile and really enjoy themselves.  Bobby (the traveling pastor for one of the bands) is a really good friend of Paige and I's so we were able to talk with him and get pictures with him and the band.  He has a great website called its sort of like a blog and prayer page that he started a while back so if you want to join please Google Jesus Cafe/Bobby Joiner and join his website there's alot of information there.

So on a funny note we had to take the Christmas tree down because the cats were ruining it by living in it.  We found them in a tree in the wilderness so I guess it brought back old memories for them lol....Needless to say I need to get them some sort of cat tree made just for them so they can play in it.  They did nothing but knock the ornaments out and break them all.

On a more serious note I have had to do some thinking regarding gloating and revenge.  I remember a saying that I absolutely love and its "before you embark on a path of revenge,,,,dig two graves" someone who has done some real harm to me and my husband about 7 years ago had some life lessons handed to her by the state bar and I couldnt help but be a little bit gleeful about it.  It was really shocking how our flesh takes over in all these emotions when we feel like we have to "right the wrong" in our lives.  Now I can sit here and tell you all that because I am a new creation in Christ and now that I am a "good Christian girl" that I dont entertain these thoughts but the truth is that when we are wronged our flesh has this uncanny way of wanting you to resort back to old behavior.  I like to say "give Jesus a try, if you dont like him the devil will always take you back" the truth is the devil is always waiting, always finding a loophole in our character, always lying in wait ready to take us down but with Gods help we can ask for forgiveness for those thoughts, move forward and pray for those who need guidance.  At the end of the day why am I any different than she is?  I always fall short of Gods glory, daily to be exact but I am thrilled that I have a savior that helps me through it.

Many Many Blessings Always,


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