Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Okay lets get started!!

Have you ever prayed for Gods guidance for what you are suppose to do in your life?  Well I have reflected and am still reflecting on what God wants me to do with my ministry.  My father does prison ministry, my step mother does the same, my best friends are training to be pastors and those around me have figured out what God wants them to do with their life.  I on the other hand am sure that I am suppose to write a book on testimonies, I know I am suppose to help people but am still waiting to hear from God on what type of ministry he wants me to go into.

I have these acquaintances through our church who just adopted a baby girl from Africa.  They always thought they would adopt a boy but then God came to her in a dream and she felt destined to adopt a girl.....and that's just what they did.  I want that type of faith, I want the type of faith that people feel and know in their hearts that God came to them.  I want that reinsurance that what I am to do will come to me through a dream or through someone else telling me what God told them.  How do you know that the dream wasn't because of a bad hot dog you ate?  How do you have the faith needed to truly turn your life upside down because you want to follow Gods grace?  Well anyway those are my thoughts for the day.  What do you think?  Has God came to you in a dream and you changed your whole life in order to follow his plan for you?

God Bless and Love Always,

New to Blog

Well I am new at this and have never even reviewed a blog until my best friend forwarded me a link for someone elses blog.  I am thrilled to pass on the message of Christ and what he has done in my life.  Not only that but sharing my website www.christtestimonies.com with others and getting your Christian testimonies to finish up my book.  I am currently in my last semester of grad school and once I graduate I will be working towards my MDiv and ultimately my PhD.  Please feel free to send me any updates on your life, any stories or prayer request you may have.  May God Bless you in ways you could never imagine!
